Nov 6, 2008


poster oh poster
ih mr aldo ngasih tugas gak kira kira yaah..
jadi tuh hari ini mr. aldo sang guru speaking listening english masuk kelas..
trus dia ngasih tugas gitu,,

"download your poster from internet and make a presentation, give the seven poin,, there are:
1. explain the purpose of that poster
2. why did you choose that poster?
3. explain about all characters at that poster
4. explain about the logo/icon at that poster
5. do you think the poster is popular in this era? whats the people react?
6. explain about the message from that poster
7. bring the visual aid"

kalo ga salah sih gitu.. aku lupa persis omongannya soalnya aku nulis postan ini tanpa ngeliat buku catatan..
stres banget ya kan?

mr aldo curang!!
masa anak kelas DIPO udah dikasih tau seminggu yang lalu, sedangkan kita? baru dikasih tau hari ini dan harus dipresentasiin tomorrow. pas kita protes sama mr. aldo eh dia malah bilang, "it's not my mistakes, you were got my lesson time. you used my lesson time to gave the people around auliya that tomorrow will be market day.."
intinya dia ga mau tau gitu derita kita..
akhirnya hari ini aku paksa" in ke warnet,
rese bagt dehh.
nyari poster apaan lagi?!

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